
Country Girls Second Single Release

16 Jul

So with a very surprising exit of a fan favorite member, Shimamura Uta, just a month before the edited version of Country Girl’s new single: Hesitating Summer Time (tamerai summer time). (Information on the idol’s departure will be at the end of the post).

Hesitating Summer Time is a lighthearted single that really showcases the ‘pure’ personalities in Country Girls. What really surprised me was that Inaba Manaka was put in the center of the dance shot and not Momoko. I personally was expecting Country Girls to be a buffer on Momoko’s career and having the younger members just be singing back up dancers. I’m thoroughly glad that Tsunku is making use of the talent in the group and hopefully there will be more diversity in the future.

Here are the official costumes for Country Girls’ new release:

Momoko Tsugunaga

Momoko TsugunagaMomoko Tsugunaga

Yamaki Risa

Yamaki RisaYamaki Risa

Inaba Manaka

Inaba AikaInaba Aika

Morito Chisaki
Morito Chisa NozomiMorito Chisa Nozomi

Ozeki Mai

Ozeki MaiOzeki Mai

I’m expecting to see another Music Video added onto the spoiler that was added the other day just because these outfits was never used in the video for Summertime. I especially love the pictures of Chisaki because it’s different from the other’s poses and it really showcases her personality. I’m also interested in Mai’s outfit choice, it looks like she will be the Haruka of Country Girls. The link with the MV spoiler and the radio rip will be added below, if you enjoy what you see please support the idols and purchase an audio download or the physical copy once it is released!

(you may have to skip to :20 if video link isn’t working properly)

**The reason why Uta has left Country Girls was because of a contract issue between UFA and the Shimamura family.

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