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Country Girls Second Single Release

16 Jul

So with a very surprising exit of a fan favorite member, Shimamura Uta, just a month before the edited version of Country Girl’s new single: Hesitating Summer Time (tamerai summer time). (Information on the idol’s departure will be at the end of the post).

Hesitating Summer Time is a lighthearted single that really showcases the ‘pure’ personalities in Country Girls. What really surprised me was that Inaba Manaka was put in the center of the dance shot and not Momoko. I personally was expecting Country Girls to be a buffer on Momoko’s career and having the younger members just be singing back up dancers. I’m thoroughly glad that Tsunku is making use of the talent in the group and hopefully there will be more diversity in the future.

Here are the official costumes for Country Girls’ new release:

Momoko Tsugunaga

Momoko TsugunagaMomoko Tsugunaga

Yamaki Risa

Yamaki RisaYamaki Risa

Inaba Manaka

Inaba AikaInaba Aika

Morito Chisaki
Morito Chisa NozomiMorito Chisa Nozomi

Ozeki Mai

Ozeki MaiOzeki Mai

I’m expecting to see another Music Video added onto the spoiler that was added the other day just because these outfits was never used in the video for Summertime. I especially love the pictures of Chisaki because it’s different from the other’s poses and it really showcases her personality. I’m also interested in Mai’s outfit choice, it looks like she will be the Haruka of Country Girls. The link with the MV spoiler and the radio rip will be added below, if you enjoy what you see please support the idols and purchase an audio download or the physical copy once it is released!

(you may have to skip to :20 if video link isn’t working properly)

**The reason why Uta has left Country Girls was because of a contract issue between UFA and the Shimamura family.

S/mileage’s Suki yo, Junjou Hankouki Radio Rip!

27 Jul


FINALLY! The next S/mileage single! ^.^ So, the song’s verses really reminds me of C-ute’s Kirai de Kirai de Kirai~. But, once the chorus kicks in, it has it’s own cute, stylish and cool feel to it! I really love this because it does show a face of S/mileage. And, I have to say this. Meimi sounds beautiful in this! I never heard her voice like this. Whatever she’s doing, she should do way more often! 😀 Also, I love how the ‘Back-Girls’ get lines too! (Rina and Kana) Although, the lines seem very….choppy. >.<


Anyways, I’m over excited to see the MV for this! I’m expecting a LOT from this single! Congrats S/mileage~! ^.^

Berryz Kobo & C-ute Spring Concert DVDs & Blu-Ray Covers!

19 Jul

So~ the covers for teh C-ute conert and the Berryz Kobo concert have been relased!


The most obvious part about this cover is that it shows the members singing. (Of course) But, what I really like about that point is that it shows some members with each other rather than just solo pictures. Which, gives the cover a more friendly and fun look to it! But, what I don’t like is the Over-Sized title on it. I think that the Title would of looked so~ much better if they put it in the center area. Instead of on top of the members faces.

What I don’t really get about this cover is the theme/logo. The logo just looks way too much like MSNBC (<–) to me! I guess that’s where the whole station thing comes from? I’m not sure, if you have any idea where the heck they got that from please leave it in the comments! 😀


Even though this picture is really small, there’s still a lot to look at. The main point that I love about this is that the Title isn’t too big nor is it too small! It’s the perfect size to be noticeable but, still give the Members the spotlight. And the only other thing that I can think about pointing out is how much it focuses on the 70’s. With the Title style, Logo and Outfits it’s clear that that’s the main theme~! ^.^

Momochi’s New Single MV Preview Released. . . . . . .

16 Jul

Okay so, probably all of you guys know Momochi’s ‘character’. And, of course, she’s getting her own single due to her intense amount of popularity lately. So naturally I was expecting something like this..

For everybody out there who hasn’t heard the song, I highly recommend that you DON’T. It’s not as bad as I thought that it would be. But, it’s defiantly child-ish and extremely catchy. And, the dance is more probably the most simple, cute, and child-ish that I’ve ever seen from a H!P song. But, that’s up to the person.

With it being Momochi, the Preview is very, pink. Which, isn’t THAT bad. ;D Another thing that I like about it is, there are lyrics at the bottom! So~ it made it very easy for me to translate it! 😀


“Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meoooooooooow~!

If Momochi says she’s sorry, then of course, the world will be at peace!

For me, please be energetic, Japan!


For being so cute, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being so naïve, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being so hyper, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For having a perfect personality, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

Forgive me, me-ow! Forgive me, me-ow! I’m being serious,

me-ow, meow, meow!

For being a bit cheeky, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being way to sexy, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being everybody’s idol, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

Forgive me, me-ow! Forgive me, me-ow! I’m being serious,

me-ow, meow, meow!

For being so perfect, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For having a late-reaction smile, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being a serious student, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

I’m a normal person too! Forgive me meow! (Meow!)

Forgive me, me-ow! Forgive me, me-ow! I’m being serious,

me-ow, meow, meow!

For my lack of emotions, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being bleak at home, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For when I’m not my pink-est, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For the days where I don’t smile, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

Forgive me, me-ow! Forgive me, me-ow! I’m being serious,

me-ow, meow, meow!

“But, Momochi is trying her best!”

Even on the days when my tummy hurts, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

On the days when my pinky gets annoying, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For not liking kids, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For wishing this song to end, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

“Daddy , Mommy,

This side of Momochi,


Please forgive ME!

(“So NOW she doesn’t say it?!”)

Forgive me me-oe, meow, meow!

“One more time!”

Forgive me me-ow, meow, meow!


Forgive me me-ow, meow, meow!

All in all, I”m actually pretty excited to see the MV for this. I just want to see what Tsunku is thinking ._.

Cha Cha Sing Fixed Translation!

15 Jul

Hey guys! I noticed that I kind of messed up on the Cha Cha Sing translation! >.< ~Sorry~!

Here’s the fixed version:

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

I might be a dancing fool but I’m no idiot

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha

Cha Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

With a cry for love, I pray for peace

And sing songs that are heard around the world

Why are you so listless?

There’s a a lot of bad news going around saying

that you’re worrying over gaining a pound or two

That doesn’t suit you at all

Oh, did you just have a scary dream?

Make sure to watch out for people trying to talk you into things;

I care about you, so,

I meddle without noticing it

Let’s get out of here tonight

And have the time of our lives

If you don’t live then the world around you will stop

Get out of your PJs and put on something fashionable! Let’s go!

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha

Cha Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

I might be a dancing fool but, I’m no idiot

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha

Cha Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

With a cry for love, I pray for peace

And sing songs that are heard around the world

“I should just give up”

Don’t use that excuse again

If your stomach is running empty take a break, but,

Don’t be a quitter

Let’s get out of here tonight and

Go to a secret place

Let’s seriously try to make up

covers for our biggest mistakes

Get out of your PJs and put on something fashionable! Let’s go!

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha

Cha Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

I might be a dancing fool but, I won’t give up on my future!

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

With a cry for love, I pray of peace

The world becomes one when I sing songs

Come on!

“Throughout the year” (Throughout the year)

“And 100 years in the future” (And 100 years in the future)

“Also, today and tomorrow” (Also, today and tomorrow)

Hey, let’s live with a smile on our face!

“Neighbors” (Neighbors)

“Everybody in my neighborhood” (Everybody in my neighborhood)

“Everybody around the world” (Everybody around the world)

Hey, everybody is local on this planet!

1, 2, 3, 4!

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

I might be a dancing fool but, I’m no idiot

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

Cha Cha ra Cha Cha Cha ra ra Cha Cha ra Cha Cha

With a cry for love, I pray for peace

And sing songs that are heard around the world

Sorry everybody! I’m thinking about doing translations for Momochi’s new song and a few other songs~! But, until then~ ^.^

Outfits for Buono!’s New Song Released!

7 Jul

Buono~! 😀 Buono! has finally given us a little bit of information for this new song. Although, there has been thing floating around that these outfits are not for a new Single but, to just promote a new album. I actually hope that those are true! Single= 1 Great song and another iffy song.   Album= At least 3 great songs.^^ (Yay album~ ;D)

Anyways, let’s start with Miya.

This outfits defiantly portrays her ‘sassy’ personality. The shirt, skirt and gloves represent the diva-ish side of her. (I love the buttons on her skirt! It adds to the effect.) While, the bow, bracelet and earrings shows the sweet caring side of her. 😀 I also love how she doesn’t have bangs. Bangs are cute and all but, it seems like almost every H!P member wears bangs. (Kawaii, kawaii Miya-chan! :D)

Next is the Beautiful Airi~

Airi kind of goes under the same line as Miya. She looks sweet and cute (More than Miya) and a little stylish. The thing that pops out the most for me is: 1. The hair! I wouldn’t think at all the Airi would try out that look. But, she pulls it off perfectly~! This outfit is probably my favorite one out of all of them. Everything about it just screams ‘AIRI!!!!’

Last but, not least; Momochi!!

😀 NO. ANGEL FLOP THING-IES! I gotta say, she looks 10x cuter without whatever she tries to do with her hair. Anyways, this outfit makes her look like a modern princess. Her dress, shall, jewelry, pose, everything looks perfect on her! The hair is defiantly the best part though. I love how much detail they put into it. With the braids going back into a hair bop and the bow to top it all off!

Over all, these are the outfits I’ve been waiting for! It looks like the members choose them themselves. It expresses them the way that costumes can’t.

The release date for their 2nd min-album is set for 8/22.

Don’t forget to reserve a copy! 😀