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S/mileage’s Suki yo, Junjou Hankouki Radio Rip!

27 Jul


FINALLY! The next S/mileage single! ^.^ So, the song’s verses really reminds me of C-ute’s Kirai de Kirai de Kirai~. But, once the chorus kicks in, it has it’s own cute, stylish and cool feel to it! I really love this because it does show a face of S/mileage. And, I have to say this. Meimi sounds beautiful in this! I never heard her voice like this. Whatever she’s doing, she should do way more often! 😀 Also, I love how the ‘Back-Girls’ get lines too! (Rina and Kana) Although, the lines seem very….choppy. >.<


Anyways, I’m over excited to see the MV for this! I’m expecting a LOT from this single! Congrats S/mileage~! ^.^

S/mileage’s New Profile Pictures!

20 Jul

The new Profile Pictures have been put out! And, with it being a S/mileage I’m SO excited for this! I’m going to de solo reviews for this though since every outfit is the same. :/


Fukuda Kanon


Wada Ayaka


Tamura Meimi


Katsuna Rina


Takeuchi Akari


Nakanishi Kana

So far, I’m loving this single! First of all, the style of it all. These outfits, even though they are the same for each member, are beyond perfect. The skirts and the hat show to cute-sy side of S/mileage. Which we all know, is what bulids S/mileage. Then there the accessories, patches on the jackets and the style of the dress itself, show the cool image of this song! The dresses are perfect, the members are perfect^^ and the poses are perfect for this single! I have no complanits~ 😀