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C-ute 21st Single Radio Rip Released

6 Mar

So, C-ute’s 21st single- Crazy Kanzen na Otona (A Crazy Perfect Adult) as been released! I’m quite surprised that C-ute is releasing yet another single with Kono Machi still being pretty new. Then again, all of H!P seems to be releasing right now…

This is clearly more of a Dance-Club song which is great saying that their last single was a ballad. It’s pretty forgettable in my opinion since the instrumental is pretty mediocre. So, I’m pretty excited to see if this sells well or not. This seems to be mostly Airi but, I’m hearing quite a bit of Nakky and Mai.


Though this doesn’t sound like a C-ute perfection single compared to what they’ve been releasing lately; hopefully this sells as well as their past ones! The release date is set for 4-3-13.


S/mileage’s Suki yo, Junjou Hankouki Radio Rip!

27 Jul


FINALLY! The next S/mileage single! ^.^ So, the song’s verses really reminds me of C-ute’s Kirai de Kirai de Kirai~. But, once the chorus kicks in, it has it’s own cute, stylish and cool feel to it! I really love this because it does show a face of S/mileage. And, I have to say this. Meimi sounds beautiful in this! I never heard her voice like this. Whatever she’s doing, she should do way more often! 😀 Also, I love how the ‘Back-Girls’ get lines too! (Rina and Kana) Although, the lines seem very….choppy. >.<


Anyways, I’m over excited to see the MV for this! I’m expecting a LOT from this single! Congrats S/mileage~! ^.^

S/mileage’s New Profile Pictures!

20 Jul

The new Profile Pictures have been put out! And, with it being a S/mileage I’m SO excited for this! I’m going to de solo reviews for this though since every outfit is the same. :/


Fukuda Kanon


Wada Ayaka


Tamura Meimi


Katsuna Rina


Takeuchi Akari


Nakanishi Kana

So far, I’m loving this single! First of all, the style of it all. These outfits, even though they are the same for each member, are beyond perfect. The skirts and the hat show to cute-sy side of S/mileage. Which we all know, is what bulids S/mileage. Then there the accessories, patches on the jackets and the style of the dress itself, show the cool image of this song! The dresses are perfect, the members are perfect^^ and the poses are perfect for this single! I have no complanits~ 😀

Berryz Kobo & C-ute Spring Concert DVDs & Blu-Ray Covers!

19 Jul

So~ the covers for teh C-ute conert and the Berryz Kobo concert have been relased!


The most obvious part about this cover is that it shows the members singing. (Of course) But, what I really like about that point is that it shows some members with each other rather than just solo pictures. Which, gives the cover a more friendly and fun look to it! But, what I don’t like is the Over-Sized title on it. I think that the Title would of looked so~ much better if they put it in the center area. Instead of on top of the members faces.

What I don’t really get about this cover is the theme/logo. The logo just looks way too much like MSNBC (<–) to me! I guess that’s where the whole station thing comes from? I’m not sure, if you have any idea where the heck they got that from please leave it in the comments! 😀


Even though this picture is really small, there’s still a lot to look at. The main point that I love about this is that the Title isn’t too big nor is it too small! It’s the perfect size to be noticeable but, still give the Members the spotlight. And the only other thing that I can think about pointing out is how much it focuses on the 70’s. With the Title style, Logo and Outfits it’s clear that that’s the main theme~! ^.^

Momochi’s New Single MV Preview Released. . . . . . .

16 Jul

Okay so, probably all of you guys know Momochi’s ‘character’. And, of course, she’s getting her own single due to her intense amount of popularity lately. So naturally I was expecting something like this..

For everybody out there who hasn’t heard the song, I highly recommend that you DON’T. It’s not as bad as I thought that it would be. But, it’s defiantly child-ish and extremely catchy. And, the dance is more probably the most simple, cute, and child-ish that I’ve ever seen from a H!P song. But, that’s up to the person.

With it being Momochi, the Preview is very, pink. Which, isn’t THAT bad. ;D Another thing that I like about it is, there are lyrics at the bottom! So~ it made it very easy for me to translate it! 😀


“Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meoooooooooow~!

If Momochi says she’s sorry, then of course, the world will be at peace!

For me, please be energetic, Japan!


For being so cute, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being so naïve, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being so hyper, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For having a perfect personality, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

Forgive me, me-ow! Forgive me, me-ow! I’m being serious,

me-ow, meow, meow!

For being a bit cheeky, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being way to sexy, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being everybody’s idol, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

Forgive me, me-ow! Forgive me, me-ow! I’m being serious,

me-ow, meow, meow!

For being so perfect, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For having a late-reaction smile, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being a serious student, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

I’m a normal person too! Forgive me meow! (Meow!)

Forgive me, me-ow! Forgive me, me-ow! I’m being serious,

me-ow, meow, meow!

For my lack of emotions, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For being bleak at home, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For when I’m not my pink-est, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For the days where I don’t smile, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

Forgive me, me-ow! Forgive me, me-ow! I’m being serious,

me-ow, meow, meow!

“But, Momochi is trying her best!”

Even on the days when my tummy hurts, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

On the days when my pinky gets annoying, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For not liking kids, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

For wishing this song to end, forgive me meow! (Meow!)

“Daddy , Mommy,

This side of Momochi,


Please forgive ME!

(“So NOW she doesn’t say it?!”)

Forgive me me-oe, meow, meow!

“One more time!”

Forgive me me-ow, meow, meow!


Forgive me me-ow, meow, meow!

All in all, I”m actually pretty excited to see the MV for this. I just want to see what Tsunku is thinking ._.

Cha Cha Sing MV Released!

11 Jul

Hey guys, sorry for the delay! I was just working on updates for the site. ^.^ I hope that you guys enjoy them! 😀 Also, here’s a little heads up: if you guys have any tips at all that can make this blog any better, please feel free to tell me! I want to make this an informative place to go and I love more updates. 😀 That’s all~.

So, here’s my first impressions! At first I was expecting a somewhat crappy MV after seeing One Two Three. But, there really aren’t that much flaws that I can point out on this MV!

Dance Shot:

I think that the dance is very interesting! There are moves that I do question though. xD And, even though the whole Dance Shot isn’t out yet, I can already see that it’s going to be a strong one! 😀

Music Video:

In the general MV there are some things that I really want to point out! First, the lyrics that they added into the Music Video. I really like this because in Japanese singles you can never tell when they are saying in English and what they are saying in English. But, they added English words in the Music Video like ‘Sing a song!’ and, ‘Let’s go!”. Which, aren’t much but, still can tell a lot from what the song is about. ^.^ This MV clearly is off of Thai culture! And, I’m not familiar with Thai culture at all. T_T (The only time I’ve ever seen anything Thai is the Hangover Part 2 :P). But, the amount of culture really does stand out and build this MV! Like, the colourful-ness of that Dance Shot, the Thai numbers at one point of the song, and, the dance moves!

The only complain that I have about this MV is the horrible quality. It seems like every H!P MV has bad quality. (I would really love some HD ;D)

Over all, I have to give this release in general: a 8/10/4 Stars. I would’ve loved to hear less Miya and Risako. I personally expected more Momo but, it seems like her lines were split up with Yurina a little. Which is great, the more members singing, the merrier. ^.^

Cha Cha Sing Album Covers Released!

2 Jul



The first cover is probably the most…different out of all of them! It’s clear to say that it’s inspired on Thai culture. What I do love about this cover is that they are putting a lot of Thai culture into this single. Since, of course, this is a Thai song. Even though I think this is an extremely weird cover for a Berryz single.

–Limited A–

I really love this cover! Because there is so much going on that it keeps you busy just looking at it. Even though the members do look a little hastily placed. The poses (some) look like they express Thai culture too! Like Risako with her hands placed together like she’s praying. And Shimizu with her arms out like that. It’s a very exciting cover to say at the least.

—Limited B–

This is probably my least favorite cover out of all of them. Even though all of the members look great, this just doesn’t represent the song at all. What I personally think is that it doesn’t do anything for me nor the song. But, still very cute.

–Limited C–

Now this cover is both simple and attracting! This kind of cover really isn’t a surprise to me at all since H!P seems to always have this cover. What I really like is the curtains in the background and the ones crossing over Momochi and Risako. They really do add to the effect of this song!